Staco Energy Promotes Kara Butts to Service Coordinator

To: Staco Energy Products
From: Neil Jones
Date: August 28th, 2020
Subject: Organizational Announcement

I am happy to announce the promotion of Kara Butts to Service Coordinator. Kara started with Staco on September, 2018 as our Inside Service Sales Representative and helped maintain our service quotes and aftermarket sales revenue stream. Now she will progress into coordinating the services sold by sales and the service team. She already has a firm grasp on the ideas and processes behind scheduling and coordinating the services. She’s been our reliable backup to coordinating services since she joined Staco. Kara will be reporting to me directly.
Please congratulate Kara on her promotion and we look forward to seeing a direct and positive impact on the quantity and quality of work coming from service dispatch. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to me directly.
Neil B. Jones
Director of National Account & Service








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