Staco Energy Products Co. provides global service coverage to meet your power service needs. Established factory trained technicians offer a wide variety of electrical and service support.
Preventive Maintenance Plans
Preventive Maintenance Service offers a proactive inspection of your equipment to identify and correct potential problems before a crisis occurs. With the option of flexible service hours, a factory trained technician will ensure your Staco equipment is operating at maximum performance.
Start-Up Service
Start-Up Service provides a thorough inspection of your equipment to ensure full functionality and validate warranty (for specified equipment). A factory trained technician will provide on-site start-up services for the equipment, including basic system evaluation, operational testing, and user orientation, along with a complete start-up report.
UPS Battery Analysis & Replacement
Battery analysis is designed to identify cells that may be damaged or faulty due to heat, age, environmental conditions, or deterioration, which affect battery performance and to help keep products reliable throughout the duration of the battery life span. Battery life span is impacted by the environment in which it operates.
Service Training
On-site training services are available for the operation of new equipment. Training can be performed on-site at your facility or in our Staco Energy Products training facility, and is tailored to all skill levels.
Time & Material Services
Customers who elect not to purchase a plan offered under the ServiStar program can opt for time and material services. Staco offers quick response times with time and material billable services for non-contracted customers, including field upgrades, preventive maintenance checks, repairs, and emergency services. A factory trained technician will provide solutions and alternatives.
Spare Parts
Having spare parts at your finger tips to support your equipment is essential in maximizing your equipment life. Reduce repair and downtime by more than 50% by having spare parts on-site and readily available. Staco understands that in today’s fast paced environment, your company cannot afford to lose time or information due to equipment failures. Even though these critical systems are designed to perform with durability, a single component failure can occur at any time. On-site spare parts can help reduce the economical ramifications of downtime and provide an added layer of security and protection.
Extended Warranty
Staco extended warranty plans can provide quick service response times for emergencies or failures. With a variety of response times tailored to meet your needs, a factory-trained technician is available to be on-site to provide a solution within a matter of hours.
*Response times available in most major metropolitan areas