Preventive Maintenance Service offers a proactive inspection of your equipment to identify and correct potential problems before a crisis occurs. With the option of flexible service hours, a factory trained technician will ensure your Staco equipment is operating at maximum performance.
Benefits of Preventive Maintenance Services:
We understand that your power equipment is a critical component of your business. To assure continued high quality performance and preserve your company’s bottom line, we recommend a proper maintenance program.
Electrical equipment maintenance should be part of your facility’s operational plan. When little or no servicing occurs over extended time periods, the potential for reduced performance, loss of transmitter, or disruption in power and business operations is greatly increased.
Regularly scheduled preventive maintenance on your equipment can prevent unplanned costs for repairs. Power systems work hard and many contain both mechanical and electrical components, subject to wear over time from constant use and environmental factors.
Preventive maintenance is intended to optimize the performance, reliability and proper operation of your equipment. Preventive maintenance service is recommended if your power equipment has been in service for one year or longer.
Our programs will economically help you achieve maximum performance, 24x7. Staco specializes in providing choice and flexibility by developing tailored solutions for preventive and remedial maintenance services, with the best repair, refurbishment, and upgrade opportunities available.
A typical Preventive Maintenance Visit:
A factory trained technician will initially provide a comprehensive, overall preventive maintenance inspection, including a detailed examination the equipment’s internal and external operating parameters and conditions, inspection of particulate matter from critical points and an examination of interfaces to other power equipment. A report listing the current condition of the equipment along with recommendations toward any necessary corrective actions is provided. Staco offers on-site flexible service hours to accommodate your schedule. Repair, reconditioning, and spare parts kits, plus other services can be outlined during the PM, along with annual service agreements to keep your equipment at peak performance.
Staco Energy Products can accommodate multiple pieces of equipment within your facility during a single trip, offering substantial discounts for all services.